The Wisconsin Technical College System Office, or System Office, is the administrative agency of the WTCS Board. It helps ensure quality, accountability, alignment and efficiency.
Among its primary responsibilities, the System Office:
- implements statewide policies and standards established by the WTCS Board;
- manages state and federal grant funding, including funding received under the federal Carl Perkins and Adult Education and Family Literacy Acts;
- administers state funding provided for technical college programs and services;
- reviews and approves colleges' course and program curriculum;
- approves colleges' facilities projects;
- manages the System's data infrastructure and reporting framework;
- advocates on behalf of the System with state and federal executive and legislative offices, and monitors and reports on federal requirements related to technical college operations; and
- prepares the System's biennial budget requests.
A Message from the System President
On behalf of Wisconsin’s 16 world-class technical colleges, I welcome you to explore the valuable opportunities available at your college.
Their unique connections to employers, from multinational to Main Street, position the colleges to provide dynamic education and training in sectors ranging from health care to ag, manufacturing to Information Technology, skilled trades to creative, business to public safety.
The proven result? In a rapidly changing marketplace, we increase the economic vitality of students, employers, and communities throughout Wisconsin.
If you’re exploring college choices or a career change, on this site you'll find valuable information about a number of opportunities, including dual-credit options for high school students, careers that match your strengths and interests, credit transfer, financial aid, and tech college programs and courses that meet the needs of full-time students and working adults.
If you're an employer looking for talent, please explore the many ways your local technical college can help you find or shape it.
Combined, our colleges annually deliver many thousands of experts and entrepreneurs who stay to live, work or launch a business in Wisconsin.
Whether prospective student or valued employer, we're here to help you reach your goals. Together, we'll continue leading Wisconsin's transition to an innovation economy.
Lifelong learning is now an economic imperative, for individuals, employers and our economy.
We were built for this moment.
Dr. Morna K. Foy, President